Friday, February 17, 2012

QR Codes

I had an epiphany the other day...I was wondering what we could do to address 'Kindness Week' in my Religion classes.  We had just finished making Tagxedo's for Valentine's Day (more on those later).  Students enjoyed creating these so much I wanted to create a Tagxedo for a kindess display at school.  As we have been having quite a few behaviour problems at school, it would tie in perfectly with our efforts to create a more positive and respectful environment.  I decided the classes could create a Tagxedo using a kindness quote from the Bible, a famous person or even their own kindness quote.  When you make a Tagxedo, the words get jumbled up so the quote wouldn't be obvious...this is where the QR generator comes in!  I took a quote from 1 Corinthians (Love is patient...) and copied it into a code generator and voila!  I had made a QR code for the students to decode using an ipod, ipad, smartphone and even a pc.  I was able to get a free QR Reader from apple apps called QRScanCode that worked extremely well.  Next week, I will show the kids how to use it themselves and will get back to you on the results...hopefully with some photos and some codes for you to uncover! I am already thinking of all the possibilities after reading 45 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes.  Don`t forget that Kindness Week runs from February 17th to 24th.

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